Working with Azure icons in (

Every now and then I need to draw a diagram for a solution or platform architecture, and enjoy doing that! I usually spend more time on them then planned 🙄. There are lots of tools to create these diagrams, and lately I have been primarily using and I love it 🤩. Want to know how I make sure I have the latest Azure icons to work with? Read on!

Use this URL to directly open with the essential Azure icon libraries loaded and ready to use! Check my GitHub repo for all the libraries.

Before I continue, did you know that the open source will be rebranded to It’s because of the .io domain. You can find a link to more info on the ins-and-outs at the end of this blog post.

Online gem

It always takes more time to get a diagram correct then I want it to. I search way too long for icons. Sometimes I even end up creating them myself. There are some collections available online, but I can’t always see when they have been updated, and usually they are incomplete, so my search continues…

But recently I stumbled upon an online 💎: the largest single collection of Azure icons available (or at least that I could find)! The collection combines multiple online sources into a single collection. You can browse through it online and download individual icons or the whole shebang. And the best thing is it’s up-to-date and will hopefully continue to be so (you never know of course)! It’s created by Ben Coleman, and you can find the web interface here: His repo with the icons and even the tools used to create and manage this collection are available on GitHub:

How to use the icon collection in (

I’ve made it easy for you: I’ve created a couple of custom libraries with all the icons! I’ve uploaded them to my GitHub, and you can use them in a couple of ways.

The first and most simple option is to just start the app with an URL with the correct libraries included as URL parameters:

  • Click here to open with the essential libraries.
  • Click here to open with all 9 libraries
    (this will take a minute to load in the app, give it some time!).

Alternatively, you can open ( and follow these steps to include the libraries manually.

First, go to my GitHub repo README, check the list of URLs for the libraries, and copy the URL of the library you want to use:

Then, click on the ‘File’ menu. Click on ‘Open Library from’. Click on ‘URL…’.

Navigate to 'open library from url' dialog
Navigate to ‘open library from url’ dialog.

Then, past in the URL of the library and click ‘Open’:

Paste the ULR and click Open.

And, after a few seconds (depending on your bandwidth), the library is ready to use:

(if you know how to display the library name correctly using this approach, please share it in a reply)

Repeat this for all the libraries that you want to include.

Other info

Pass the sauce

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Abel Hernandez

    I have just installed the desk app 13.9.9 and there is no “Open Library From…” option

    Thanks for the post

  2. Felipe

    Hi Dave, thanks for the publication. I’m getting error when loading URL from “Azure Icon Set” link from the list provided on the Github page you mentioned. I also tried to download the desktop version and as mentioned above, there’s no “Open library From…” option.


  3. Fahim

    Hi Dave,
    I do not see the icon for subnet in the library.
    Please help

  4. Mykola Tolkachov

    Great stuff!

  5. Floris

    Great to have the azure icons in , but it seems the search is not finding them. Could be because search does not support partial search and the icon names do not have spaces?

  6. David

    Updated my desktop app to the latest from – there’s no option to open a library from a url

    1. Chris

      I just used the Open Library option and that worked!

  7. Jennifer

    I’m using your URL in the tl;dr section and it works perfectly – thank you for this gem!

  8. vrno

    There is no Open Library From or anything like that. This is a buggy software as hell

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